Already using ExpenseMe & need support?
ExpenseMe was previously ProMaster.

Smart expensing means daily transaction feeds

Free up your people for
the work that matters with daily transaction feeds

Direct feeds from bank and credit cards mean no duplicate card transactions

Fully integrated policy exception reporting for control

Card Integrations

Direct feeds from bank and credit cards mean no duplicate card transactions

Budget Approvals

Expenses trigger budget approver attention wherever required

Replace Cash

Streamline and automate card claims to radically reduce reliance on cash and cheques

Empower your people
with easy user experience

Fast Uptake

Built for ease of use, to accelerate uptake by your people in the field

Policy Alerts

Keep spending within pre-set policy alerts for workers using codes and alerts

Mobile Friendly

Capture, coding and approval in the field for busy staff

Simple for users, supporting your complex requirements.

Get empowered users, complete policy support, and easy ecosystem integration.

Get started right away.

Clever solutions, savvy support.

Smart partners, bright futures.